Monday, April 7, 2014

Ham and Cheese Rolls

One of the most frustrating things I’ve found with Pinterest is when you see something you like and then there is no link it’s just a picture! ARGH! That happened to me the other day with this picture of Ham and Cheese Rolls, it looks so good but there was no link just a picture collage.

I did what you do in those situations and I made up my own recipe! I mean what else was I supposed to do? I had to try these rolls right? And honestly they looked pretty easy! And they are super easy and super good! Really if you like ham and cheese you should try this, don’t like ham? Try it with any other type of meat, don’t eat meat? Try it with just cheese, the options are endless and I’m sure I will be trying more recipes with this.

Now let me talk just a minute about the dough recipe I used I found it of course on Pinterest and it’s probably the easiest quickest yummiest dough I’ve ever worked with! It’s called 30 Minute Rolls, and you can use it for so much more than just dinner rolls. But those are good too. Now it is a BIG batch, I made 2 dozen regular dinner rolls and then 2 dozen Ham and Cheese Rolls. So if you aren’t up for that much baking you can freeze the dough or halve or the recipe. You can get the recipe for it at .

Here’s what you’ll need:

(For 1dz rolls)
¼ 30 minute Roll Recipe (follow all the steps until it gets to forming the rolls)
12 slices sliced Ham (I used black forest)
10 slices Swiss Cheese

Here’s how you make it:

After making the Dough roll it out into a large rectangle. Place the ham slices so that it covers the center of the dough leaving about ½ inch of room around the edges. Top the Ham with the Swiss Cheese slices. Roll the dough towards you, like you would to make cinnamon rolls. Once the dough is rolled up slice it into 12 equal pieces. Place into a greased 9x13 baking dish. Bake in a preheated 425 degree oven for 20 minutes or until the rolls are golden brown. Serve warm. Refrigerate any remaining rolls.


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