Monday, August 11, 2014

Summer Got in the Way

So remember how I said I was going to post once a week during the summer and well then I did like once but then I haven't posted anything since? Yeah know why? Summer that's why! It's been crazy, not bad crazy just busy crazy and good crazy! We've had family visit and friends visit, then we went to visit family and friends and I just decided it was too much to keep up with everything! So I let my blog slide for the summer!

It's been a great summer though! So many great memories made! Ones we will cherish and ones we will tell over and over again. Like the one about me falling out of the raft on our rafting trip, yep fun times there! Or maybe the one about the leopard pants I couldn't convince anyone to try on, or how we maybe slightly looked like a paligamist family when we rented a 15 passenger van while my Mom & sister and all the kids were here! Of course there was "freckles" which will forever more be a funny inside joke with my bestie and her family!  And I for one will cherish the baby cuddles I got to enjoy! So many good memories!

So as summer is winding down and we get ready to start Drew's first year of  (gulp) HIGH SCHOOL I am going to get more focused on my blog and find some cool posts to share with you! But no promises I'm going to get any more posts up in the next few weeks, cause well...SUMMER!


  1. We had a great time up there! I really wonder what people thought of us when we all got out of the van! Lol let them wonder! 😉 I enjoyed the baby time, I miss that stage with my kids! 😞 I'm looking forward to more posts, maybe ones I can use with my cooking groups at work (hint,hint)! Lol. I'm looking forward to a possible trip to Texas next summer. Now, enjoy the last little bit of summer & get to blogging! 😃

  2. I really enjoyed my visit, so many wonderful things to look back on and remember Like going from swimming in the lake to snow on the mountain! WOW! Only regret I didn't get to climb up with you guys! Seeing all my grandkids was an added bonus!
