Friday, December 13, 2013

Grown-Up Hot Chocolate

Do y think of wrapping presents as a chore? Or is it something that you enjoy? Me, I enjoy it! I love giving people beautifully wrapped presents. I love the paper and bows and everything! But sometimes around Christmas it gets to be a bit of chore, ALL those presents, and sometimes, ok all the time, it's late on Christmas Eve and I am still wrapping presents! But there is one way to make this a little more festive in my opinion! It's Grown Up Hot Chocolate! What makes it grown up? BUTTERSCOTCH SCHNAPPS! So put on the Christmas music, get your wrapping paper out, make a cup of this coco and before you know it all the presents will be wrapped!

Here's what you'll need:

A cup of Your favorite Coco

Butterscotch Schnapps

Whipped Cream

Here's how you make it:

Into your favorite Coco, add a shot or two 😊 of the schnapps! Top with whipped cream and serve!
If you wanna make it "virgin" use butterscotch syrup! 



  1. Well I'm not a fan of butterscotch but Baileys Irish Creme does the same thing.
