Friday, October 5, 2012

Painted Pumpkins

I love all the painted pumpkins I’ve been seeing around.  And I love the small little pumpkins. I decided to paint some small pumpkins for my table center piece! I thought that painting them white and then using black, orange, and glow in the dark puff paint would be a great way to decorate them and give them a little “pop”! I know the glow in the dark paint won't be too visable but well it's Halloween and glow in the dark paint just feels right!  I’m planning on getting all my decorating done this week too. Venturing into the attic and hoping they don’t have to send out a search and rescue team to find me!

Here’s what you’ll need:

Mini Pumpkins (I used 5 I like odd numbers in my décor)

White Acrylic Paint (I used Light Ivory)

Puffy Paints (orange, black& glow in the dark)

Paint Brushes

Paper to cover on the table
I painted 2 coats of the white paint
                           I thought dots would look cool& I do like the dots the best!

Here’s how you make it:

I cleaned the dirt and gunk off the pumpkins with some vinegar. Then I painted the pumpkins, I didn’t paint all the way to the bottom. Let that coat dry and then cover it again. When the last coat has dried apply your puff paints in whatever design you like! I decided that I like the black and white ones the best, I think the orange would be ok IF it was maybe not such a bright orange? I also think an olive green would be a great color to incorporate!


1 comment:

  1. Wow! Rally cute idea. I've been seeing a lot of painted pumpkins this year. Like the idea of glow in dark paint.
