Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Valentines Day in Our House

I had planned on making a Valentine's Day craft to share with you all, but then I decided that I really didn't need to make another thing right now, since we are getting ready to move! That's not to say that I'm not making anything in some upcoming posts but I felt like this project was just me making something to make something. So instead I thought I would let you in on a little of my life and our Valentines Day traditions!

Do you celebrate Valentines Day in your house? We do, but we usually just do something simple! I think its such a rarity for us to actually be together on Valentines Day that we really just want to spend time together. We've never gone all out for it, and usually it ends up being a nice dinner at home! I mean we have had a kiddo at home almost since the begining.
Our Wedding 1999

Our very first Valentines Day, 16 years ago, the Hubster (who wasn't the Hubster just yet) was in Fort Greely on a field problem, of sorts. I drove the 100 miles from Fairbanks to Fort Greely so that we could spend the day together! We went Bowling, which was epic and by epic I mean that I am the worlds WORST bowler, and the Hubster is really really good. But it was fun and cute and he tried helping me in that cute let me show you how to do it way. We ate greasy bowling alley food and just hung out for the day and then I drove home!

Our next Valentines Day he was gone and that was the last one without a kiddo around. We have gotten a baby sitter and gone out to dinner in the past, but honestly its always so crowded that we kind of just don't do that anymore.

Date Night

This year I have something planned that I can't share cause he might read this and then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore!

We also do stuff with Drew, like I shared last year we always have WAFFLES because we have a heart shaped waffle maker! We've also always gotten him a small box of candy and a stuffed animal. That we give him at breakfast! We even always get to eat a piece of candy in the morning! I used to get the same thing as a kid and it's just a tradition we've carried over!

What are your Valentines Day Plans? Share in the comments below!


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