Friday, January 10, 2014

Seasonal Eating: Lemons

I've been trying to learn more about Seasonal eating. If you aren't sure what this is, it's eating foods that are in season, instead of eating foods that have to be shipped from other parts of the world you eat what is local and in season. At least that's my understanding of. I'm doing this more from a health standpoint than any other reason. It stands to reason that a tomato eaten in January will not taste as good as one eaten in July.

I will be featuring one Seasonal Fruit or Vegetable every month. This Month I'm featuring Lemons. They come into Season in January and stay in season until February. 

I decided to make Lemon Curd. I LOVE a good Lemon Curd! 

Here's what you'll need:

3/4 cup freshly squeezed Lemon Juice

1TBSP grated Lemon Zest

3 Eggs

3/4 cup Sugar

1/2 cup Butter

Here's how you make it:

In a mixer cream together your butter and sugar, then add in your eggs, juice and zest. Mix until combined. Pour the lemon mixture into a sauce pan and cook over medium low heat until it thickens and begins to bubble. Let cool and you are ready to use it in tarts, on scones, however your heart desires! 



  1. I never tried homemade lemon curd, it sure sounds easy. Thanks for sharing.
