Friday, January 31, 2014

Chinese New Year: Homemade Fortune Cookies

Do you celebrate Chinese New Year? We have since Man-Child was little, we used to watch Kung Fu Panda or Mulan and eat Chinese food, some years we would get take out and some years I make everything. The one thing I've never even attempted to make is Fortune Cookies. I love the idea of getting to customize the fortunes!

After attempting to make these I now know why I've never tried it before! They are tricky little buggers! I'm petty sure that not even one of them looks like a fortune cookie! But that's gonna have to be ok! If you go by taste alone they are AMAZING! The texture is pretty good too, trust me I ate all the ones that didn't turn out;) it's not quite as crispy as the restaurant kind but I'm ok with that!

Here's what you'll need:

1 Egg White

1/8 tsp Vanilla

Pinch of Salt

1/4cup Flour

1/4cup Sugar

2 TBSP Water

Here's how you make it:

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Place parchment paper on a cookie sheet. Write fortunes on thin strips of paper. Mix the egg white and vanilla until foamy but not stiff. In a small bowl combine the Flour, Salt and Sugar. Then combine into the Egg Whites. Add in the water and mix, it should be similar to a thin pancake batter. Spoon teaspoonfuls of batter onto parchment, and spread into 3 inch circles. You want to just do a few, like only 2 to a sheet. Bake for about 5 -7 minutes until the cookies are slightly browned around the edges. Remove from the pan with a greased spatula, place onto a wood cutting board, then place the fortunes in the middle. Fold in half and then bend them in the middle so the points touch, place into a muffin tin so they hold their shape while they cool.


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