Friday, March 29, 2013

Resolution Update: March

Can you believe it’s almost April? Me either! Where has the time gone? Well honestly for me it’s great that the year is going by quickly. This means we are that much closer to the Hubster coming home from Afghanistan! We are now 2 months into our 9 month deployment and every day down is a day closer! Are you still keeping up with your resolutions? I am trying!

Here’s how it’s been going for me:

Getting Healthy: I’ve really noticed that I’ve cut back on how much I eat. I've been trying to use our smaller salad plates to eat on instead of our big dinner plates. I am noticing I am satisfied with less which is a big batch of AWESOMESAUCE! Since the beginning of the year I have lost 14lbs. YAY! So this month got a little off track with the exercise routine, but the last 2 weeks I’ve been at the YMCA or working out at home at least 3 days a week! YAY again!

Getting Organized: I saw on another blog, and now I forget which one but the idea was to get rid of a 100 things in a weekend! So I did! Whew… some of it was easy, some of it not so much! Like throwing away the proof sheet from the school pictures. Why is that so hard? Over half of the stuff came from my bedroom! I was thinking I probally could do a get rid of 100 things from every room in the house! But for now 100 things from the house will have to do. I even got Man-Child in on it; I had him get rid of 50 things!  So that’s actually 150 things out of my house! YAY! Check out the pile of stuff I got rid of!

Spending Quality Time: We went on an unplanned road trip this month when my Grandmother passed away. When you lose someone you realize the important things, and I am grateful for all the great memories that I made over the years with her. Sometimes the best memories are from the littlest events in our lives. Did you see my post about 15 Mother Son date ideas? Check it out, and create memories to last a lifetime.

So I feel like I am doing ok with the resolutions this year so far! How are you doing with yours?

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