Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Eerie Eyes

Can you believe that October is already here?! This year is going by so quickly! You know this means that there are only 83 days until Christmas! YIKES! I know I know this is the month of Halloween! Just thought I would give y’all a heads up though! So for the month of October I am going to focus totally on Halloween! I’m going to do things a little differently this month; it’s going to be A LOT of Crafts! Then the week before Halloween I’m going to do crazy, scary and maybe some cute foods!

Today’s first craft is so great and easy and well let’s be honest here it’s cheap! EERIE EYES is the perfect decoration for the Halloween season.

Here’s what you’ll need:
Egg Carton/Toilet Paper Rolls/ Paper Towel Rolls

Glow Sticks


Here’s how you make it:


Ok so I didn't have any Paper Towel Rolls laying around but I DO have tons of old Egg Cartons laying around so I improvised! So for the Paper Towel/Toilet Paper Rolls you cut the Paper Towel rolls in half, you could use toilet paper rolls but for some reason I just can’t do crafts with them it gives me the heeby jeebies. After you cut them in half you cut “eyes” out of them. For the Egg Carton you cut the carton into 6 sections. Then you cut out the eye shapes. You can cut different sizes and shapes and don’t worry about making it perfect because they are supposed to be crazy eyes anyway! Then stick a glow stick inside them and place them into your bushes. I know I’m posting this on the 2nd of October but you probably want to wait until Halloween to put them out neither glow sticks nor cardboard last too long outside!
*if I was going to make them again I would use the shorter thicker glow sticks!



  1. What a neat project. I don't have bushes but if we leave the plants out front we could hide them in them! That would be cool.

  2. That is cool. http://www.spookscentral.com
