Friday, January 18, 2013

Draft Dodgers

Ok ok I know the title of this post is a little crazy right? No I am not talking about the Vietnam War draft dodgers; trust me that is a can of worms I have no desire to open! What I’m talking about is making a nice little stuffing filled thing to keep the cold air out and the warm air in! It’s been so cold here this week. In the 20’s for our lows brrr. Now I know some of you are a lot colder than that but it’s pretty cold for the Pacific Northwest! Add to that that we live in s 1970’s era house and well it’s always cold in our house too! Single paned windows do not a warm house make! So we have this gigantic gap in our front door at the bottom. I know it needs new weather stripping but well sometimes it’s easier to just do something quick and easy like make a draft dodger!

Here’s what you’ll need:


1 bag Batting


Rice/Beans (this is to give the draft dodger some weight and hold it in place)

Here’s how you make it:

Measure the width of your door, and go a few inches past that, you will lose some length in the sewing. Cut your fabric to fit the door width. Mine was 42 inches and I used fabric that was 45 inches long and 12 inches wide. Fold the fabric in half length ways and put right sides together and sew a seam down the side and one end. Leave the other end open to fill with the batting and the beans or rice. I used this method of putting in a scoop of beans then stuffing in some batting just repeat this every so often until the fabric is full. Then sew the end closed.

Now you should be able to help keep the draft dodgers inside J


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