Friday, August 23, 2013

A Year In Review

Wow I’ve been blogging for a YEAR! Well a year tomorrow but still! I can’t believe it’s been that long already! I feel like I’ve come so far, and yet still have so much to learn! I’m going to be trying to update the look of my blog over the next few months so bare with me on that! If you check back and it looks different, hopefully it’s for the better! I am the least tech savvy person I know so it may take a few tries to get it all up and running the way I want it! Any who I thought it would be fun to do a round-up of the top 5 posts I’ve shared with you all since I first started! It’s funny how there are some posts you think Oh man people are going to LOVE this one, yet hardly anyone looks at it, and others you feel like “eh” and they end up being the most viewed ones! I still can’t believe that people actually look at my blog, I mean besides my family, but they kind of have to. So I want to THANK YOU for checking my blog out! And if you are here for the first time I hope you like what you see and come back! Here are the top Posts of Kismet Kreations!

Which One was your favorite? Share it with me in the comments!



  1. The chocolate cake one! But then I missed the coconut oil. Then again I really liked them all hope to see more!! You are doing a wonderful job!!

  2. :) THANKS! The Coconut Oil would be great on your hands in the winter!
